
Annotated Bibliography July 2015

Complete Bibliography July 2015

Funding for the Annotated Bibliography provided by a grant from the National Endowment for the Arts.

The entries included in this bibliography address not only the life and work of Paul R. Williams but also attempt to place him in the context of twentieth century American architectural and social history as well as his particular geographic location. Materials listed include books, monographs, journals, newspapers, dissertations, web sites and government documents. The bibliography is updated periodically.

The format style is MLA 6th edition. RefWorks is the bibliographic management product used to compile this bibliography. 

Some websites provided with citations are only accessible with a subscription. If you are interested in obtaining any of these materials, contact your local academic or public library.

How to search the Bibliography:
If you are searching for a particular subject (i.e. a specific building), download the complete bibliography PDF on your computer desktop. Use the "find" feature provided with Adobe Acrobat (a free application), to customize your search. 

Creative Commons License: This Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International Creative Commons license allows the user to download this document and share it with others unchanged as long as the user credits Deborah W. Brackstone, Katherine Broome and the Paul Revere Williams Project at the Art Museum of the University of Memphis.